Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Words is one of my favorite paranormal romance. Here's a romantic scene from the book:

She opened her eyes and caught her breath. Jason stood beside her, one shoulder leaning against the column in imitation of her stance. A black string tie brought an air of casualness to his black suit and stark white shirt. That warm breeze ruffled his thick hair and carried his scent to her again.

“Hello,” he said quietly.

Broad shoulders, a sexy tilt of his lips, that silky male voice… Emma’s heart muscle seemed to tighten like a fist.

“I thought you might like to know we found the gun that killed Amalia Campanero,” he said.

“That’s…great.” Clearing her throat, she shifted her weight so that she stood a little straighter. Light fell more evenly over his lean face and she was startled by the sharpness in his expression. The intensity of his gaze made heart beat faster.

“Were you able to connect it to her brother?” she asked.

“We matched four fingerprints from the gun to him. And we found a shirt in the dumpster with the gun. It has bloodstains that match Amalia’s blood along with male sweat that should match Campanero’s DNA. There was a footprint too, that matched the shoes he was wearing when we arrested him. But that’s just icing on the cake. We’ve formally charged him with murder.”

Relief bolted through her. Amalia Campanero would get her justice. “I’m glad.”

He stood silent for another moment, his gaze locked with hers. “You are glad, aren’t you?” he murmured. “For the victim’s sake.”

Emma swallowed. “Of course.”

Shifting away from the column, Jason straightened so that he stood over her. Gold shards glittered in his eyes as he looked down at her dress. His expression was different now, not so much sharp as it was hungry. And it stirred an answering hunger in her.

Apparently he was thinking, as she had been, about that near kiss on the beach last night. Emma was glad that he hadn’t taken advantage of her vulnerability at the time. She was glad she still had something to look forward to.

“There’s only one word to describe how you look tonight, Dr. St. Clair,” he finally, quietly, said.

Emma was almost afraid to breathe. “What word is that?”

His gaze caressed the length of her body. “Hot.”

The word echoed its own definition through her body. Or maybe the heat in his eyes sent that breath of warmth coursing through her. Like smoke, it curled around her inner organs until she feared she might melt.

He stepped in closer. His left hand touched her right hip. She stared up at his mouth, so close to her own that his breath stroked her flesh. Some distant part of her mind realized they were swaying together in time to the music.

“Dance with me,” he whispered and before she could think, his hands settled on her waist and he pulled her close.

He turned her away from the column and the lights that spilled from the ballroom. Emma knew that other couples strolled or danced across the stone floor but she saw only Jason. Saw the desire in his eyes, felt the possessive grip as his arm slid around her waist. And the way their bodies moved so perfectly together… She hadn’t been aware of so much in a long time. She hadn’t felt so right in even longer. Heart pounding, she eased closer to him.

Desire sparked off the gold in Jason’s eyes. He lifted her right hand and placed it against his neck, then slid his hand down her bare arm, tickling lightly along a path to her waist. That hand slipped around to join his right. No longer a simple dance, this was a floating embrace. Drawing her closer still, Jason lowered his head. Emma expected his kiss and her eyelids flickered downward. She didn’t care any more whether or not she should give in to what she wanted. Some primal part of her insisted that wanting had its place. This place. Right now.

She lifted her face and his mouth found hers. Soft at first and yet powerful. Hungry.

Pleasure speared her with each movement of his lips and she pressed closer, wanting more, needing more, demanding more as she’d never done before tonight. She shifted both of her hands around under his jacket to touch the back of his white shirt. Damp heat seeped through the cloth. His hands moved too, down her back to her hips and around to cup her bottom, to hold her closer against his—

Nearby, a woman coughed with mock delicacy. Jason growled low in his throat and lifted his lips from Emma’s even as he drew his hand upward.

“Good evening, Ms. Zamora,” he said gruffly.

Find out what leads up this romantic scene.Final Words by Teri Thackston, available at my publisher:
and at Amazon
or Barnes and Noble

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